
With TPT, our aim is to make the testing process for our users and customers as efficient as possible. Increased efficiency enables higher quality and lower costs. To achieve excellence in testing, we continuously evolve the feature set and user experience of TPT. We draw upon our own user experiences from our testing projects and the feedback of our customers.

It is important to us that TPT remains flexible, user-friendly, and reliably guides users through the testing process at maximum speed in all its application areas. TPT is a testing toolbox equipped with everything needed for software and system testing. Users only need to select the appropriate tool - TPT handles the rest like magic.

The figure below is an overview of TPT highlights


Test Case Creation

With TPT, you can effortlessly create test cases even without extensive programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface guides you through the entire process, enabling you to create test cases quickly and intuitively. A significant benefit is the graphical test modeling, providing a clear overview in test design.



TPT allows you to easily save and reuse test cases or parts of test cases. This not only saves time but also ensures that proven test cases can be reused across different projects or phases.

Flexibility and Adaptability



We recognize that not all tests are the same. Therefore, TPT offers flexible options for test case creation at various levels. From simple open-loop tests to complex closed-loop test scenarios, with TPT, you always have full control.

Automotive DNA

There are numerous functionalities and capabilities in TPT that completely automate even the smallest tasks, such as renaming interfaces after a code change. Or fundamental design principles in TPT, such as the ability to separate test data from expected values, creating numerous new possibilities for efficient work. It is the result of hundreds of minor and major features developed over the course of 20 years when testing automotive serial projects, and it serves as the efficiency core of our test automation. We call it: the Automotive DNA of TPT.

Automatic Test Case Generation

With TPT, you can fully automatically generate test data and test cases. Your advantage: With fewer testers, you can achieve faster and more meaningful tests. These methods include:

100% Code Coverage

Automatically generate test cases for AUTOSAR, C/C++ code, Simulink, and TargetLink models to ensure comprehensive model or code coverage. All common automotive model/code coverage metrics are supported.

100% Interface Coverage

Define equivalence classes for your interfaces and let TPT automatically generate test cases based on these classes and boundary values as well. Complete software integration tests have never been easier. You also receive automatic evaluation and reporting across all tests.

100% Requirements Coverage

In TPT, requirements can be imported automatically and formalized. From formalized requirements, TPT can automatically generate both test data and expected values. We consider this a really powerful way to step up testing activities.

Complexity Reduction through Parameter Variant Testing

Parameters in the code are ubiquitous: they allow developers to make the software flexible regarding system variants. Unfortunately, with each parameter, complexity increases. This has implications for testing. Every untested parameter-value combination can quickly lead to hidden problems in the product.

Our Solution: In TPT, you can define parameter sets and execute a test case with different parameter combinations. An additional parameter value no longer results in additional test cases that need to be maintained and managed. You only need to expand the parameter set, execute the tests fully automatically, and you're done.

Test Execution

Testing occurs at various levels, from unit to integration testing, and varies depending on the test object, such as Model-in-the-Loop (MiL)Software-in-the-Loop (SiL)Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL)Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL), and Vehicle Tests (ViL). TPT supports all testing levels, and you can transfer tests created once from one testing level to the next.

How to reduce the waiting time for test execution results:



TPT offers lightning-fast test execution, allowing you to conduct your tests in the shortest time possible and obtain results quickly.

Multicore Execution


With multicore support, you can run your tests in parallel on multiple processor cores, significantly reducing overall execution time and increasing efficiency.

Parameter Variation


Parameters can be flexibly varied, and multi-sets can be created to simulate different test conditions and ensure comprehensive test coverage.


The complete test run normally takes 3 days, but you need the test results within an hour? With seamless integration with cloud solutions, your test cases can be parallelized. Going any faster almost doesn't make sense.

Back-to-Back Tests and Linking


TPT supports back-to-back tests and allows for automatic comparison of two or more test executions. Analysis times can be minimized. Any deviations are explicitly highlighted for each test case and time point, making it faster and more efficient to locate errors.

Test Assessments & Reporting

Does the software do what it's supposed to do? Does my system meet all requirements? The answers to these questions should be provided as quickly, easily, and accurately as possible during the testing process. Generally, the expected behavior of your test object is referred to as assessment.

Traditionally, an expected value is defined directly at the test action. This is also possible in TPT, where it's called a Compare Step. It's a simple and fast way, but with the disadvantage that it becomes inefficient in the long run for many tests, as each step needs to be checked individually when changes occur.

Our Solution: In TPT, we have addressed this by introducing a completely new way of defining expected values with “Assesslets”. What makes Assesslets special is that they are independent of test data. The connection with test data is made through conditions. If a condition occurs, it is automatically detected, triggering a comparison between the behavior of the test object and the expected value.

TPT offers a wide selection of Assesslets for all types of evaluations and tester capabilities. Here are the advantages and special features of Assesslets in brief:

TPT Assesslets


Assesslets save time and effort!

Once defined, expected values can be applied to all test cases. If the expected value changes, it only needs to be modified in one place: the Assesslet. The time saved in creating and maintaining Assesslets gives testers more time.


More time to specify better and more accurate expected values. More time to generate better test data.

Product quality increases rapidly after a short period. The ability to define expected values independently of test data is a key enabler for automatic test data generation.

Enabler Test Data Generation

With a comprehensive description, you can automatically generate nearly everything for stimulation.

Without any additional manual annotation of the test data. Efficiency at its best

Reporting with TPT

As an outcome of TPT, you receive a report containing all the data, calculations, and results generated during the test.

The report includes all test results: succinctly summarized and structured across multiple levels with relevant details for each individual test.

Coverage reports are also included in the report: Code Coverage, Requirements Coverage, and Interface Coverage are aggregated into a single report.

Test Result Analyses

Do tests fail? Then the search for the cause begins. Here too, TPT comes to the rescue.

Being able to quickly, clearly, and thoroughly examine and evaluate test results leads to an accelerated development process and ensures faster issue resolution.

The Signal Viewer in TPT is a powerful tool to precisely understand what happens in your system during tests. All inputs and outputs, all parameters and data, can be visualized and analyzed for analysis. Complicated conditions can be defined and visually highlighted.

If you can't narrow down the error sharply here, only debugging helps. TPT supports the most commonly used development environments in the automotive industry, allowing you to debug tests directly in the IDE within the source code.

Finding errors has never been easier.

Requirements and Traceability

With TPT, traceability in requirements-based testing is ensured efficiently and quickly. TPT offers these highlights for seamless and Automotive SPICE compliant bidirectional traceability:

Seamless tool integration

Requirements can be imported quickly and easily from common systems and formats, such as Excel, CSV, DOORS, codeBeamer, Polarion or ReqIF for the test process. Direct interfaces without tool breakage enable a smooth exchange.

Linking test cases and requirements

Requirements are linked dynamically to test cases or statically via drag & drop - for precise tracking and the best overview.

Test efforts can be better estimated because it is clear how many and which test cases are linked to which requirements.

Change tracking and visual highlighting

Requirements often change over the course of the project. In TPT, they are updated automatically at the push of a button. 

With the help of the modification view, changes are quickly recognized and can be managed with integrated workflows. Tests affected by changes are also highlighted in TPT.


Uploading test results to ALM systems provides a quick and thorough overview of the test status in complex projects.

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