
Features & Benefits

Fully Integrated

Easy to Use

Expert Design Results

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Every download and trial of CODE V comes with Glass Expert to help speed up the design process and make it easier on you.

CODE V’s Glass Expert automatically chooses the best set of real glasses for your lens design. Save your effort for other parts of the design.

Glass Expert goes through the same process an experienced optical engineer would follow to choose glasses.

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How Does it Work?

You tell Glass Expert the criteria for the glasses, like cost, weight, and bulk absorption. You can even tell Glass Expert the catalogs to choose from, and filter glasses according to refractive index and stain resistance.

Glass Expert takes it from there and, through an iterative process, automatically chooses the best set of glasses for your design that provides superior color correction. Glass Expert applies intelligent limits on glass choice. It might choose a high density, expensive or highly absorbing glass for a small, thin element, but not choose that same material for a large, thick element.

The end result will be a practical set of glasses that improves performance, reduces costs, and maintains manufacturability.

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