
Smart Future

Rising shareholder interest and expectations, and legal and regulatory requirements around Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, help ensure that our ESG work remains focused on areas of greatest importance to our company and our key stakeholders.

Smart Future | 新澳门六合彩开奖
ESG Management

How We Manage ESG

新澳门六合彩开奖’ Smart Future strategy is overseen by the ESG Management Team, with support from the ESG Leadership Committee. The ESG Leadership Committee includes executives from across our business who are tasked with driving 新澳门六合彩开奖’ ESG performance and ensuring implementation of our strategy in their respective areas of responsibility. The Corporate Governance and Nominating (CGN) Committee of the board of directors is responsible for overseeing policies, practices, priority and risk assessments, risk management, initiatives, goals, progress toward goals and public disclosures relating to ESG matters.

Engaging our Stakeholders

In 2018, we conducted our first assessment to help us identify priority ESG topics for our strategy and refresh as needed. We will continue to review and adjust our strategy, management, and disclosure practices in alignment with emerging expectations, regulations, and best practice standards.

In addition to our priority assessment, we engage with key stakeholders on an ongoing basis to get their perspectives on our ESG strategy, policies, and programs and help guide our Smart Future impact and influence.

Smart Future | 新澳门六合彩开奖