
UK Gender Pay Difference Results

Men and Women representation per Pay Quartile

Men Women
Upper Pay Quartile 89% 11%
Upper Middle Pay Quartile 79% 21%
Lower Middle Pay Quartile 75.2% 24.8%
Lower Pay Quartile 73.3% 26.7%

Compared to men, women’s hourly pay rate is lower

Mean Median
29.3% 16%

Percentage of men and women who received a bonus

Men Women
92.8% 91.7%

Compared to men, women’s bonus pay is lower

Mean Median
48% 23.2%

Understanding our Numbers

Executive Summary


Pay Difference

The difference in the average compensation of all men and all women across all roles. A pay gap usually is a result of more men occupying more senior—and therefore higher paying—positions.

Pay Equity

Commonly referred to as “equal pay for equal work,” this is an analysis of whether men and women are paid comparably for doing similar jobs, after controlling for legitimate differentiators such as performance and experience.


Like most companies in the technology industry, 新澳门六合彩开奖 is focused on improving its representation of women in senior roles but still has a way to go. Our initiatives are deliberately designed to prioritize an inclusive culture that results in a more diverse workforce and reduces the gender pay difference.

Pay Differences v. Pay Equity

This Gender Pay Differences exercise highlights the difference in the types of positions women and men generally occupy, with men commonly holding more senior roles—hence the difference in the total average pay between all men and all women in the U.K. By contrast, Pay Equity analyses broadly consider whether men and women who have similar skills, experience, and performance are paid comparably for doing similar jobs. This Gender Pay Difference data is not an analysis of Pay Equity. At 新澳门六合彩开奖, we take Pay Equity very seriously and strongly believe that employees are compensated fairly, without regard to gender, for their skills, expertise, and work. 

Representation and Pay

UK employees represent 2.08% of 新澳门六合彩开奖’ global workforce for the reporting period.  Our data continue to reflect the challenges of the high-tech industry, where more men than women are employed in technical roles, especially at senior levels. This mirrors the continuing labour market and reflects the fact that fewer women graduate from STEM education than men.  Despite economic challenges, we made good progress in attracting women into the workforce with an increase of 5.5% between FY2022 (18.6%) and FY2023 (24.1%). 

Year on year, we continue to support and champion female development.  This reporting year is no exception, with the result of a year on year increase of 14.6% in ratios between FY2022 (13%) and FY2023 (14.9%) in promotions of technical female employees.

This year, we report that both our Mean and Median hourly pay gaps narrowed from last year.  The Mean hourly pay gap narrowed by 4.2% (Mean of 33.5% last year).  The Median hourly pay gap narrowed by 13.1% (Median of 29.1% last year).  We are encouraged by our efforts to narrow these gaps by the increase of 3.3% in the upper hourly pay quarter for women between last year (7.7%) and this year (11%).  


Receipt of Bonus

This reporting year the percentage of men and women receiving bonuses are both over 90%.

The variance in average bonus pay is due to a large amount of RSUs, bonuses, and commissions paid to males, who are more represented in senior roles than are women. The average bonus pay has started to narrow this reporting year (48%) in comparison to last (48.3%). 

Looking Ahead

Having a well-balanced gender workforce is important to the continued success of 新澳门六合彩开奖, and one we continue to commit to. We continue to make hiring managers aware that we have a shared responsibility to improve the overall representation of diverse talent within our teams. 

Over the years, we have invested and participated in a number of internal and external programs and conferences to promote women in the workplace.  For the coming year, we are looking into 新澳门六合彩开奖 sponsoring Inclusion and Diversity conferences or events.  

Over the years we established several external initiatives to attract women in the technology area where we have gained traction to continue with these programs.  We continue to establish partnership and collaboration with British universities with an emphasis on 新澳门六合彩开奖 as an employer for choice, particularly for women.

We thrive to inspire performance, engage and develop our female employees, through our continued Women in Leadership Program that is aimed at bringing extra focus in identifying women leaders who have potential and supporting their further development through various targeted initiatives.

Furthermore, we continuously promote Inclusive & Diversity initiatives aimed at engaging our leaders and employees with workshops and forums, such as Coaching Women to Lead, Bias and What We Can Do About It, and Inspire Inclusion campaign.  Finally, recognising that women welcome support from the workplace to complement their changing lifestyle, we focus on women wellbeing, such as Menopause and Mental Health and Life as a Parent: Returning to Work After Maternity Leave.  This is all in addition to our existing suite of initiatives previously reported.