
Speed Up Simulink in Rapid Accelerator Mode

Robert Fey

Apr 19, 2022 / 1 min read

The best way to test your Matlab/Simulink models is to use TPT. For years we have been improving our tooling to make model-based product development even easier and faster. In TPT18 we added new features for Matlab/Simulink. 

Speed Up Simulink in Rapid Accelerator Mode

The most important innovation from our point of view is the possibility to accelerate the MiL and SiL test in Matlab/Simulink with TPT. You can experience the huge performance gain from TPT18 and future versions. We have made the following major changes in TPT: 

When running tests with TPT, the MATLAB options Accelerator, Rapid Accelerator and SIL are supported and are directly configurable in TPT. 

Multi-core executions support simultaneous execution of dynamic tests and measurement of model coverage. This significantly accelerates execution times in the test process. 

When it comes to coverage measurements: In TPT18 Modified Condition Decision Coverage measurements are now possible in Matlab/Simulink and you can close identified gaps through automatically generated test cases without time-consuming manual activities. These Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MC/DC) features are implemented in our module TASMO. 

If you want to exclude some subsystems from the coverage measurement, you can easily hide them in TPT18 to provide more meaningful metrics. This feature was requested by customers who include 3rd party libraries or include standard subsystems from central organizations. 

The TPT Simulink function handler provides more robustness when using stub Simulink functions in the Matlab platform. 

And last but not least, with Stateflow Offline Logging, testers now have the ability to log Stateflow internal variables and states via configuration in the TPT18 user interface. The functionality is already used by some TPT power users – but is now even easier to use. 

We hope you like the new features. TPT 18 is coming soon. 

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